Monday 8 January 2018

Political Pointlessness

As I've mentioned previously, I've taken a prolonged break from politics and all associated activities online for going on a couple of months now, if not three.

When you take a break from the internet and political internet discussion in particular, you come to a few realizations. You come to the realization that just as much as anything else under the label of bread and circuses, politics is a means of control and deception. A method of keeping the people distracted. I mean, it's hardly anything new, I'm sure plenty of people think the same way.

It's especially apparent when you see internet comments of people debating political parties and the tactics and policies of those parties. It just strikes me as .... infantile? or facile? Without them meaning to be of course, and that might sound condescending as anything else you're likely to encounter. Yet, how many times has someone, somewhere else raised the same arguments and reasoning when debating political parties and their modus operandi? To me, from what I observed for the last few years of following politics especially identity politics closely, is that the battle, or rather, the war, has already been won. 
The people on the opposition have already taken the institutions and the governments, and have created the policies. They've already let in vast multitudes of people to "diversify" and create their utopian multicultural nations, with no apparent end in sight to the stream of people to come. They like to talk about how the population of Africa is heading towards an explosion, insinuating that all those poor Africans will have no choice but to emigrate to Europe. There is so much wrong in that insinuation I won't bore you with a long diatribe on the matter.

I'm not against people trying the political route, but personally, I don't see it as a viable solution. Of course, the retort would be to question me on what solutions I offer. I offer none. I have none. Simply put I'm just a man online who sees that things are simply not as they should be. I see the entire system as a corrupt entity wielded by people who innately hate the people they are supposed to be governing for, and through that contempt, methodically and systematically working towards the destruction of the varied European people and identity, through a myriad of methods already discussed ad nauseum online.

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