Friday 15 July 2016

A little less virtue signalling, a little more action

If you are like me, you are sick to the teeth of the virtue signalers every time there is an attack. The excuses they always throw out after such an event are revolting in their mindlessness.

"You never care like this when it happens in the middle east!"

Manuel Valls, France’s prime minister, visited a high school in 2015 and told pupils: “your generation will have to get used to living with the danger” of terrorism.

No one ever mentions that there will be any kind of action to work to protect people from terrorism, or even take any action to halt the immigration from countries with plenty of terrorists to spare. No, Europe must take more. Europe will turn black.

We are living in an age where it is wrong to be white, European.... while it is almost divine to be the other. They have achieved an untouchable status in the mainstream narrative. Despite people saying they are derided daily in the media for being terrorists etc. 

Soon, there will be civil war in Europe. It will more than likely spark off in one nation and spread to the rest. This is unavoidable now. The Europeans themselves, will find themselves becoming refugees. Where will they go for refuge? Who will take them in? Are they all going to flee to the British Isles, America? There is nowhere left to run, and we are losing our homelands to mass immigration and replacement level birthrates of the invaders. If nothing is done, if the frog continues to boil, then Europe is lost. 

There is always hope though. We see the rise of nationalist parties throughout Europe, and each attack only works to strengthen their numbers. 

All of this will come to a head, and Europe will be the battleground once again, that has the potential to turn into WW3, once everyone with a stake in the conflict weighs in to pick at the bones of the perceived dead bodies of once titanic superpower nations....