Tuesday 6 September 2016

Fifth Columnists and Radical Liberals

Diversity is our strength, they say. Liberals, libertarians, Marxists, and fifth columnists. These people try desperately to oppose nature. Preferring to tell us that we are separate from it. That mankind has risen above the trappings and compulsions of nature. This is their agenda. To make us believe their worldview is the moral and just position to hold. The civilized answer to mankind's problems. We all know they are wrong, possibly even they themselves know it...

Nature cannot be ignored, and if it is, it will remind you. Harshly. Of your place and the rules in nature. We are as subject to nature as everything else on this planet. To think otherwise is hubris. 

They tell you to "live for the moment". Don't think about. They say these things because they come from positions of weakness. Positions unnatural and subversive. All positions antithetical to the survival of civilization and race as well as nature.

There can be no denying the in-group mentality of foreign people. A mentality that Europeans once shared. Of course through years of rampant liberalism without concern for consequences, this has all but been eroded in the European man, in favour of tolerance and diversity. Multiculturalism is a weapon. A weapon that is being used against us. They can try to discredit it with names like conspiracy theory all they like, but anyone with a brain can see what is happening. Multiculturalism destroys diversity.

All the people who come to Europe from the Middle East in this migration crisis are not coming to contribute, they are coming to leech. If you've ever spoken to the people online who stay behind, they will tell you themselves, that it is the scum, criminals and terrorists who come to Europe. Looking for an easy life, a life that the Europeans will fund through taxes. A life that destroys Europe and Europeans. Europe is funding it's own destruction. While you work and pay your taxes, they take multiple wives and have countless children.

Nature is being ignored, and nature is punishing the arrogant. 

Tuesday 30 August 2016

Nationalist Networks

One thing that plagues the right wing coalition of shit lords and people willing to put out wrongthink onto the internet, is the insecurity of their employment. SJWs and commies and cucks work tirelessly to use their underhanded wormlike tendencies to doxx people who create content or produce hate facts. This is a problem that is probably with us to stay, until such a time as our viewpoints become the mainstream. 

So, people on our side, if in a position to do so, should network, not just for social or political reasons, but financial as well. Create networks that can create and maintain jobs for each person in a given network. I'm sure there is ways around quotas if your business is subject to such regulations. Of course, for some it is simply impossible as they are surrounded by pozz. 

For those of us who do have such capabilities though, it would be great to see such things work. Just as (((they))) do. It can hardly be impossible. 

How you go about finding each other or prospective employees from the pool of excellence that is the right wing (non-cucked of course) is beyond my scope, but we have forums etc, that people can use. 

Maybe people already do use them, and have already networked professionally and I hope so.

I really should of looked into this before writing this, kek, but it was hardly an indepth time consuming process...

Monday 29 August 2016

Accelerationism - Black Pill or Prudent?

I find myself caught between a rock and a hard place, as of late. 

On one hand, I feel like opposing the unending and unstoppable tide of undesirables into Europe is a waste of time and energy. At this point it is inevitable that Europe will become minority white European in the decades to come. Our "leaders" have shown that they have no inclination or desire to go against the grain and halt immigration at all, much less illegal immigration. Not to mention the fact that when someone is decided to be an illegal by the courts and deported, they rarely ever actually get taken from the country. No matter what people opposed to this system do, the tide will continue to come in. No amount of sea walls will stop it. They crash over the top, relentlessly seeking gibs. Maybe the best course of action is to simply allow it to happen. Allow the torrent to engulf Europe and show it the error of its ways?

The ethno-masochists and fifth columnists are not going anywhere and will continue to campaign for their Utopian ideals of open borders and no nations. So why not let them? The Muslims will come in and annihilate all the people who helped them in. They are not utterly stupid. They know these people would campaign against them in time, if they were to gain power, and recognizing this, they would eradicate them. Which would be beneficial for us, since that would be one less job that needs doing upon ascension to power by true Europeans.  

Of course, I am not trying to pass this hypothesis off as the be all and end all to the race problem in Europe. On the contrary, it is probably horribly flawed and would have disastrous consequences. However, in the face of an unstoppable tide, it feels the only path left open to a quick awakening of Europe, instead of a slow boil. A slow boil to the point where it may be too late for the frog to notice it is being cooked alive. At least with a fast, shocking invasion of these people, it would "red pill" far faster than any meme could ever dream, or any article ever dare to hope to accomplish. 

The best cure for a person brainwashed by the Utopian ideals of multiculturalism is to actually experience what real multiculturalism is. We know well, what it is. If not from experience, from the sheer amount of evidence. 

The West is drowning in decadence and degeneracy. These are the symptoms of civilizations on the decline. Irrespective of there being a migrant invasion, the west may have been on the downward spiral long before this situation. It has the same hallmarks of decline as Rome had, on it's way down the crapper. Androgynous citizens, perverted and deviant sexual proclivities, preferential treatment of the foreigner or at least an acquiescence to demands and requests.... the similarities are strikingly.... well, similar.

Making citizens of people vastly different and not at all tied to the future of the nation or the true meaning of it's people and culture. Can a foreign person truly ever be considered as "one of us". You hear from people living in America for generations for example, yet never truly feeling American. Always feeling more connected to their ancestral nations rather than their adoptive ones.

Are these nations, which have veered far off course from what a nation is supposed to be, even worth saving anymore?

On the other hand, I feel compelled to fight against it. Even if fighting is merely making videos and posting wrongthink online. 

It would be an extremely difficult task to fight for open borders as a crypto leftist for furthering your aims of waking more people up, which may ultimately be fruitless and cause more destruction than may have happened otherwise. Nobody ever knows what is going to happen, we just have to do the best we can, in the best way we know, to achieve the best outcome possible. 

Friday 15 July 2016

A little less virtue signalling, a little more action

If you are like me, you are sick to the teeth of the virtue signalers every time there is an attack. The excuses they always throw out after such an event are revolting in their mindlessness.

"You never care like this when it happens in the middle east!"

Manuel Valls, France’s prime minister, visited a high school in 2015 and told pupils: “your generation will have to get used to living with the danger” of terrorism.

No one ever mentions that there will be any kind of action to work to protect people from terrorism, or even take any action to halt the immigration from countries with plenty of terrorists to spare. No, Europe must take more. Europe will turn black.

We are living in an age where it is wrong to be white, European.... while it is almost divine to be the other. They have achieved an untouchable status in the mainstream narrative. Despite people saying they are derided daily in the media for being terrorists etc. 

Soon, there will be civil war in Europe. It will more than likely spark off in one nation and spread to the rest. This is unavoidable now. The Europeans themselves, will find themselves becoming refugees. Where will they go for refuge? Who will take them in? Are they all going to flee to the British Isles, America? There is nowhere left to run, and we are losing our homelands to mass immigration and replacement level birthrates of the invaders. If nothing is done, if the frog continues to boil, then Europe is lost. 

There is always hope though. We see the rise of nationalist parties throughout Europe, and each attack only works to strengthen their numbers. 

All of this will come to a head, and Europe will be the battleground once again, that has the potential to turn into WW3, once everyone with a stake in the conflict weighs in to pick at the bones of the perceived dead bodies of once titanic superpower nations....

Thursday 16 June 2016

Jo Cox MP dead after shooting attack - Genuine occurrence, or someones gambit?

"News is flooding in over the murder of MP, Jo Cox. She died after she was shot and stabbed in her own constituency. 

One eyewitness told the BBC they heard her attacker shout "put Britain first" at least twice beforehand.

Vote Leave and Remain have both suspended campaigning in the EU referendum in light of the attack.

Mrs Cox, 41, is the first sitting MP to be killed since 1990, when Ian Gow was the last in a string of politicians to die at the hands of Northern Irish terror groups.
The arrested man was named locally as Tommy Mair.
Cafe owner Clarke Rothwell, who witnessed the attack, said he heard a "loud popping noise that sounded like a balloon burst - a loud balloon".
"When I looked round there's a man stood there in his 50s with a white baseball cap on and a jacket with a gun, an old fashioned looking gun in his hand," he said.
"He shot this lady once and then he shot her again, he fell to the floor, leant over shot her once more in the face area.
Mr Abdallah said the weapon had "looked handmade" and a man who had been wrestling with the gunman continued even after seeing the gun." (Bits taken from BBC)
One might think this was a gambit. A last ditch effort to sway the public opinion to the remain side of the campaign, given the lefts and some media outlets jumping to quote the attacker as saying "Britain First" and labeling the attack, as far-right terrorism. Yes, because "far-right" terrorism happens so much, it is a plague to society. 
This referendum is one of the most, if not thee most important, voting occasion in recent times, and probably in all of our lifetimes. On a UK exit of the EU, many other member states would be looking for such an out. So it would not be a stretch to imagine some evil bastards out there would orchestrate this murder as a way to manipulate public opinion on the eve of such an important national decision. While both sides of the campaign have suspended, you can be sure there will be underhanded and subversive methods employed to sway public opinion. Just as they did with that obviously choreographed picture of the dead "refugee" toddler in Turkey.
Maybe I have just gone too far down the rabbit hole, and have gone completely mad. On the other hand, I simply recognize the type of people that are on this planet, and the type of people in politics and the ones who have the globalisation agenda. Maybe it wasn't a planned murder, or maybe it was. It wouldn't surprise me. Even if it is not a planned political opinion manipulation murder, it can still be used as such by the (((powers that be))) and their shabbos goy. 
It is probably another one of those things we will never know. I just find it suspicious so close to the day, that a highly politicised murder takes place....
Not to mention their attempts at using their celebrity whores to manipulate public opinion have failed. They are desperate now, at the thought that their whole control structure of Europe could be about to go down in flames.
I am counting on the British hate of being told what to do. Hopefully it manifests itself this time in such a way, that can leave no room for doubt, and they reject the EU completely. 

Wednesday 15 June 2016

Germany Increases Reparations for Holocaust Survivors

After a certain point, you should be asking yourself: "How long are these people going to survive?"

It's been 70 years since the lolocaust, and they are still cashing in on it. I'm still waiting for the point at which their holocaust guilt narrative dies off. I think I'll be 70 at that point. Even if it does die off, along with it's last few "survivors". I'd imagine there would be some other catastrophic event against Jews they could milk for all it's worth. 

How do you think they will guilt people into giving them money, once the last "survivor" dies off? Will they just get all their "Aid money" from the US then, or will Europe continue to cuck itself?

That is assuming of course, that there isn't a massive racial civil war throughout the continent of Europe before such an occurrence, or maybe that would serve as the occurrence they would be looking for?

I often wondered what a right wing revolution would look like, and judging by the majority of the internet right wing, it would end up with everyone being a Jew, a shill, or some secret agent....

I'm sure the Jews will find some way of keeping whites and every other goyyish race feeling guilty for things that happened (or not) almost a hundred years ago. 

Something else to muse about. What would happen if the majority, if not everyone on Earth, woke up to the JQ and the spin of WW2? Would anything actually happen? Are the only people with any fight left in them, the Muslims? From where I'm sitting, in my mind, it would look like all the races of the world would sit back and do nothing, excepting those with a predisposition to Islam. Maybe allowing the Muslims to butcher the Jews while also allowing them to rule in their place afterwards?

Has the white world gone so far and been so traumatized that they now just want subservience to a people and ideology that demands that it dominates the planet?

Who fucking knows, at this point I'm just talking shit and rambling to fill this space just so I can share this story. Which came from, wait for it.... "The Times of Israel". Ha, like you couldn't guess. 

I'll spare you the link, and giving them more revenue than they deserve from your clicks.

Monday 13 June 2016

About Common Purpose

About Common Purpose

Common Purpose is a political charity using Behavioural Modification

Common Purpose (CP) is a Charity, based in Great Britain, which creates ‘Future Leaders’ of society. CP selects individuals and ‘trains’ them to learn how society works, who 'pulls the levers of power' and how CP ‘graduates’ can use this knowledge to lead 'Outside Authority’.
Children, teenagers and adults have their prejudices removed. Graduates are ‘empowered’ to become ‘Leaders’ and work in ‘partnership’ with other CP graduates. CP claims to have trained some 30,000 adult graduates in UK and changed the lives of some 80,000 people, including schoolchildren and young people.
But evidence shows that Common Purpose is rather more than a Charity ‘empowering' people and communities’. In fact, CP is an elitest pro-EU political organisation helping to replace democracy in UK, and worldwide, with CP chosen ‘elite’ leaders. In truth, their hidden networks and political objectives are undermining and destroying our democratic society and are threatening ‘free will’ in adults, teenagers and children. Their work is funded by public money and big business, including international banks.
It is important for researchers on this site to realise that the majority of Common Purpose 'graduates' are victims, who have little if any understanding of the wider role of Common Purpose within UK society, nor of its connections to higher government and the European Union. Drawn into CP training by a flattering invitation, or selected by their company or organisation, this recruitment is normally carried out by a previously trained CP person - now recruiting for the cause. Candidates are screened and selected (or rejected) by CP Advisory Board members in their area.
Both candidates and 'trained graduates' will have no real understanding of Common Purpose's wider role to help achieve a political and social paradigm shift in the UK. The real objective, would appear to be to replace our traditional UK democracy with the new regime of the EU superstate.
By blurring the boundaries between people, professions, public and private sectors, responsibility and accountability, CP encourages graduates to believe that as new selected leaders, CP graduates can work together, outside of the established political and social structures, to achieve this paradigm shift or CHANGE. The so called "Leading Outside Authority". In doing so, the allegiance of the individual becomes 're-framed' on CP colleagues and their NETWORK.
Using behavioural and experiential learning techniques, the views of graduates can be remoulded to conform to the new Common Purpose. Most will not be aware this has happened, but we are given immediate clues in descriptions by graduates that Common Purpose training is 'life changing', 'disturbing, or 'unsettling'. Trained and operating under the Chatham House rules of secrecy (details of discussion, those present and location are not disclosed), CP graduates come to operate in 'their world' of Common Purpose. Please go to Document Library .......Category.........Mind Control Background on this site for historical information regarding manipulation of people's free will and behaviour.
The term 'GRADUATE' is used deliberately so as to prevent disclosure of involvement with Common Purpose. As 'MEMBERS' of CP, which is more appropriate, individuals in the public sector would have to declare their interests. So strong is the Common Purpose bond, that some individuals will lie to hide information and documents considered 'dangerous' to the CP cause. People challenging CP colleagues have been victimised and forced out of their positions.
Common Purpose is linked to a host of other suspect trusts, foundations, think-tanks, quangos and so called charities. DEMOS is a key example. These organisations funnel political and social CHANGE policy through CP, to re-frame graduates. Examples range from promotion of Diversity in every company and organisation, to Curfews for young people.
Common Purpose promotes the 'empowerment of individuals', except where individuals challenge the activities of CP, and public spending on CP. These people are branded vexatious, extremist, right wing or mentally unsound. Mrs Julia Middleton, the Chief Executive of Common Purpose, praises the work of German bankers. Deutsche Bank is, of course, a major power behind Common Purpose. Mrs Middleton, earning circa £80,000 p.a. from her charity, is also very happy to promote the term 'USEFUL IDIOTS' in her book 'Beyond Authority'. Are we the General Public the USEFUL IDIOTS, or are the Elitest Common Purpose Graduates? You must decide.
I recommend that you begin your research by clicking on the DOCUMENT LIBRARY button above and then selecting " Advice on Using the Archives". When you have read the brief introduction select the "CP Penetration UK" category. Here you can see diagrams of of the CP Network and a Map of Geographical Penetration of UK. The DOCUMENT LIBRARY, also contains documents, letters and emails as evidence of Common Purpose at work. The library will be regularly updated.
Please also click on GRADUATES on the top bar. You will be able to search for Common Purpose graduates in cities across the UK. Did you realise these people, possibly your colleagues and friends, were now 're-framed' "elite leaders". But overwhelmingly, you the taxpayer, have paid for their CP training. Interested? Annoyed? Happy searching.
The greatest evil is not done in those sordid dens of evil that Dickens loved to paint ... but is conceived and ordered (moved, seconded, carried, and minuted) in clear, carpeted, warmed, well-lighted offices, by quiet men with white collars and cut fingernails and smooth-shaven cheeks who do not need to raise their voices.--C. S. Lewis (Screwtape Letters). And we should remember that...Evil flourishes where good men do nothing.
Here is the link to the website: http://www.cpexposed.com/about-common-purpose
(I have copy and pasted the info on that page to here, not to steal content or pass it off as my own, but to try and direct people towards that website. It would explain a lot of political leaders actions, as of late.)

Sunday 12 June 2016

50 dead, 53 injured in Orlando nightclub shooting

Here we go. Some news no one could have seen coming, a true tragedy. 

A gunman has attacked a nightclub. Initial reports indicated a right wing extremist. Maybe even Sam Hyde. Why might you ask, has a right wing extremist shot up a nightclub? To explain why, we have to delve deeper into this story. It is quite intriguing and a real mystery, the likes of which have not been seen in the 21st century to date. 

We must ask, what kind of nightclub this was. Was it a normal, everyday nightclub? Hmm, I don't think so. 

Well, it is a club in a state ranked as the fourth in terms of LGBT population. The name of the club where this attack occured? Pulse. A gay nightclub. The shooters name was Omar Mateen. 

Starting to see the connection here?

You got it right! you let Muslims in, and suddenly, you can no longer be a degenerate without repercussions Normally, I am adversarial against Islam, to say the least. In this case, I can make an exception. He got rid of fifty or more degenerates. Fifty people who more than likely, gladly spread HIV and AIDS, and possibly even got off on it.

These are the kinds of stories I have been predicting for well over a year now in the circles I frequent. It was hardly mystic magic. You bring in Muslims, and you effectively condemn the faggot population of the nation that accepts Islam, and seeing as that is all white nations at this point, expect to see a lot more of these attacks.

You can use all the hashtags you like. You can virtue signal until your head falls off (which might actually happen now). Queers and Muslims will never get along. Ever. 

What is most hilarious in this whole migration, nation wrecking scam, is that the queers and trannies and all other manner of degenerate is #StandingwithIslam. The irony could not be more delicious. 

You wanted your pacifist society of degenerates, and now that you have it, is it what you imagined? Are Muslims still your friends? Ask yourself this question honestly, and without any preconceived notions, because the next time this happens, it could be you in the club, and not some sacrificial lambs to diversity. 


Fighting over football, rather than beating the Muslims and Africans back out of Europe?

As you are more than likely well aware, the Euros 2016 has started. This would have been a glorious time of bread and circuses for the masses to forget that the  SJW faggot mafia rules the social narrative, along with their anti-racist friends protecting Muslims and African "refugees" on the continent. Bringing the real rape culture to Europe and America and all other White nations.

Well, one might think it is deliberate from them. That they want the animals here, to commit actual rapes on a scale that fits in nicely with their rape culture narrative, but I digress,

The point of this blog post, is to point out just how apathetic our race has become. Hordes of football fans have descended on Europe for the Euros. Typical hooligans, bashing each other under the banner of their nations. Completely disregarding the Muslim problem in Europe. This leads one to question whether these loutish punks are any kind of nationalists at all, I would conclude, no, or at least they are the petty type of nationalists of the past. 

Flag nationalists. 

Fighting over football. 

Has it still not occurred to these retards that maybe, just maybe, they should unite and beat the ever living fuck out of the very people invading and raping Europe? Maybe I am missing something? Maybe the Muslims have been hiding away during these clashes of drunkards? Maybe they have the sense to maintain the victim status afforded to them by the establishment and the SJW freaks of Europe.

On the other hand, it shows these fucking loser football hooligans are nothing but thugs looking for an easy fight. Throwing fucking pig meat at mosques. Big fucking whoop. They are not vampires, and bacon is not garlic. 

The only thing Muslims respect is strength. If you are not willing to show them your strength, you are showing them your back, and that, as everyone knows, is how you lose a fight. The minute you turn your back to run, you become a target and nothing more. That is all Europe is these days. A fucking target for the hordes to pillage and do with as they see fit. 

The entire third world is seeking to come to Europe and other well to do white nations. It is a tide that will not be stopped by tolerance and understanding. They are coming to conquer. Their deserts are getting ever drier and Europe has never looked better. They can see the weakness. The degeneracy is rampant. The decadence signifying a dying civilization, begging for subjugation. 

This is what you get when you do all in your power to destroy the patriarchy of your nation or civilization. Another patriarchy comes in to dominate and impregnate. To conquer and control. Western women, feminists, more precisely to be fair, have swapped their enlightened "patriarchy" for a more archaic, pre-renaissance one.

Whoa, more digression. Haha, I get carried away when writing. If only it was as easy to keep my mind going like this for my podcasting. 

Anyway, my point is basically, that we need to rid ourselves of bread and circuses and unite against the invaders and show them that there are still men willing to fight in Europe. 

Europe has been through worse. This is just another shit test from nature. 

Do not fail the test!

Monday 4 April 2016

A Nation Must Protect It’s Borders

A Nation Must Protect It’s Borders

The road up to this point began in June of 2015. I took a passing interest in politics up to that point. Then the migrant crisis picked up in frequency and number of people coming to Europe. Trespassing national borders en mass and not acting the way you’d imagine refugees would act.
I was incredulous that this was some benign situation of simple ordinary people fleeing conflict and death. Refugees who are truly desperate and downtrodden don’t attack the police force of their host nations, as well as rape sporadically across the continent after having arrived.
This led me to dig deeper and look closer at what was going on. I came across Stephen Coughlin, an ex-major of an American intelligence agency. He gave briefs of his studies on the Quran and other factors such as the Muslim Brotherhood, and their plans to bring about cultural relativism in the West, through inter-faith dialogues and other Islamic organisations. 
Having taken this particular “Red Pill” I was curious to learn more, and through various other sources and people, I looked into the JQ. This was another one that at first seems ridiculous and absurd. However, after a time of observation and taking heed of the politics involved and the cultural Marxist tactics, it starts to make perfect sense. The connections become easy to spot.
After learning all of this and coming to the realisation that something has to be done, and without knowing what that was, I decided to make videos on YouTube, to get the message out there. My original plan was to make podcasts, but as you can imagine, talking into a microphone solo for an hour or more is actually quite difficult, especially if you are of a reserved nature. So making these YouTube videos is kind of like practice, for me. to eventually build up to a point where I could do podcasts and maybe network with other people in the community. 
The importance of politics and taking an interest is paramount and I aim to spread that message. If you don’t take notice of politics, they can pass any sort of law they want, without even consulting the people. 
Cultural Marxism disguised as liberalism has had it’s day in the sun and has failed the people miserably. In fact it actively works against them, with a globalist, internationalist agenda of eroding peoples and their cultures.
As you well know, the last few years for Europe, the EU and member states, have been tumultuous.
It began with the Syrian civil war. Having started years ago, the displaced people are now on the move, with their sights set on Europe. Not fleeing from conflict. They are well used to that. 
They are coming with colonization on their minds. It is their plan. This is supported by the daily rapings of German, Swedish, and other European women across the union of Europe. 
This archaic institution of control and domination has long been a thorn in the side of freedom loving nations within the Union. It only serves to dictate it’s terms of the larger nations, effectively suppressing all others. It is not democracy, it is the control the glorious Fuhrer could only ever have dreamed of installing in Europe.
Were it a National Socialist system, or a NatSoc modified to each nations culture, it could have been a glorious thing altogether. Sadly it has become the political arm and enforcer of the SJW, the Communist and the Kike.
For member states to once again know sovereignty and freedom, the union must fall and member states must once again rule themselves without outside influence and outright control.
We must stand together and do what must be done. Our governments are actively acting against us!