Tuesday 3 October 2017

Hungary under fire over ‘hate campaign’ against philanthropist Soros

If anyone was still in any doubt as to the power and influence of the people trying to destabilize the planet, the west in particular, should look no further than the case of Soros and Hungary. Hungary’s populist government has launched a new attack on billionaire liberal philanthropist George Soros, with what a major international human rights group called an “official hate campaign” targeting foreigners and civil society. Prime minister Viktor Orban’s latest publicly funded questionnaire, dubbed a “national consultation”, asks Hungarians for their views on what he claims is the Budapest-born Mr. Soros’ ambition to bring at least one million immigrants to Europe annually from the Middle East and Africa. The government says the European Union wants to implement this “Soros plan” which, among other things, allegedly aims to dismantle Hungary’s anti-migrant border fences, impose “lighter sentences for crimes that (immigrants) commit” and “diminish the importance of the language and culture of European countries in order to make the integration of illegal immigrants happen sooner.”
It seems to me, that Mr. Orban has read up on the Frankfurt school and other associated "think tanks". At the very least he alludes to the fact, that the Jews or a Jew, is responsible for this in his targeting of Soros.

New York-based Human Rights Watch said “Hungary’s new official hate campaign” was “likely to fuel anti-foreigner sentiment” and included questions that were “downright incendiary and false”.
The group, which is partly funded by Mr Soros’ foundation, said the government sought to distract attention from widespread criticism “over its attacks on human rights and the rule of law” and from “pressing domestic issues, including challenges facing the education and health care systems.”

Surprise, surprise.... also, it invariably reverts to antisemitism. I'm sure poor Mr. Soros has done nothing to incur the wrath of national governments, other than be a Jew. The age old story of Jews incurring hatred simply for existing. What a tragedy.


Since taking office in 2010, Mr Orban has concentrated power in his own hands and those of close allies in politics, business and the media, while dismissing EU concerns as the meddling of overbearing foreign bureaucrats.
Citing Russia, China and Turkey as successful examples of the kind of “illiberal” state that he wants to build in Hungary, Mr Orban has led opposition in central Europe to plans to resettle refugees around the EU, and allied with the populist government in Warsaw to resist EU criticism over how Hungary and Poland are run.
Previous national consultations asked Hungarians what they thought of refugees – which Mr Orban calls a threat to Europe’s security, culture and identity – and the EU, in a questionnaire entitled “Let’s stop Brussels!”
Earlier this year, thousands of government-funded posters appeared around Hungary showing a grinning Mr Soros (87) beside a caption saying that 99 per cent of Hungarians oppose illegal immigration and the caption: “Don’t let Soros have the last laugh!”
Some billboards were defaced with the words “stinking Jew” and other graffiti, and Mr Soros – a Holocaust survivor – was among those who accused Hungary’s government of stoking anti-Semitism.
Mr Orban has also introduced laws tightening control over foreign-funded NGOs and education reform, which could force the Soros-funded Central Europe University in Budapest to close.

Pity the man has sons, because even after he dies, they are likely to carry on his liberal nation wrecking agenda. 

The Far-right view of "Peace"

By the_g0yim_know on reddit: /r/europeannationalism:

One of the major areas of confusion (which our enemies constantly work at distorting even further) is the Far-Right view of "peace."
First off, what is peace? If you asked someone today, chances are they would start describing pacifism. . . i.e. confrontation avoidance. This is what the average Western person has come to equate with the highest moral standard. It's also one of the primary reasons for the fanatic hatred of who we are and what we stand for: because the Far-Right and only the Far-Right openly opposes this flawed idea of "pacifism" which is based on lies and distortions.
When we speak of "Struggle" we're referring to a major centerpiece of the Fascist & National Socialist worldviews, i.e. the acknowledgement of the fact that life is a constant fight for survival and prosperity! And that's not something we just woke up one day and decided, as our enemies would have you believe. It's an aspect of Natural Law that we've come to understand. The individual, family, race, Nation, et. al which does not fight for itself will decline until it eventually ceases to exist. There's simply no getting around that harsh reality, which is why all Far-Right thought centers around that basic truth.
There is but one vocation and it lies only in combat. Hoist the banner of courage, sacrifices, and devotion and watch who gathers round that banner. He who is attracted by the banner is called upon to lead a Nation, and nobody else.
– Adolf Hitler at the rollcall of Political Leaders during the Partyday of Freedom (September 14th, 1935)
We fight against everyone. That, is Fascism.
– Pierre Drieu La Rochelle, Fascist Socialism

What then, does the Far-Right view as "peace?"
When we talk of peace, we're referring to something that goes beyond the material world and exists in the spiritual, eternal realm. And this is precisely what trips most people up, particularly in a society which has "modernized" in a way which champions rationalism, atheism, and the appearance of "intellectualism" at the expense of anything which doesn't exist in the material world - of that which holds real, lasting value.
Whereas the values which drive a Fascist/NS have deep-rooted, eternal meaning. But you can only know what you think, and these ideas - ideas which hold a spiritual component - are mocked, distorted, and written off by virtually everyone but us. It's like talking about something that's behind a wall. We know what's there, despite our inability to see it. Whether it's an ideal, Truth, or the existence of an Almighty Creator...these are all singular concepts (which by their very nature are "extreme," since there can only be one) that we KNOW exist by means which go beyond the intellect. We can perceive it with the SOUL. It gives us purpose because it's the very essence of what makes us human.
Fascists and National Socialists champion these very ideals which appeal to our higher nature. Thus, we're fanatic idealists who set out to fight for that which is immaterial and can only be perceived by the soul. In other words, we fight because we've made the profound realization that the ideal is what our soul really wants. It's what nourishes the human spirit and brings out the best in us. And that's precisely why every man who lacks real faith and conviction can never understand the loyalty, selfless service, sacrifice and duty to that which is greater than ourselves that is championed by all "true believers" of our cause.
Fascism promises neither glory nor titles nor gain – only duty and struggle.
– Benito Mussolini
What exists exists because of loyalty. If that which exists ceases to be loyal, it returns to nothingness. That tears the bonds that hold everything together, it shatters camaraderie; it shatters leadership; it shatters honor; it shatters confidence in the law; it shatters the army; it shatters the state; it shatters everything that exists.
– Helmut Stellrecht, Faith and Action
The purpose of life is not that of being more or less happy, but to make oneself and others better, and to combat injustice and error is not a right, but a duty.
– Italo Balbo

A common misconception is that our aims start and end with the creation of a White ethnostate. But that's simply just a piece of the pie (albeit an important short-term objective). But our ultimate purpose is to deny the forces of decay, involution, and degneracy – and in that denial to restore all the positive aspects of the human condition.
When you boil it down, the Fascist/NS Struggle is nothing short of a spiritual Crusade against the forces of ruin which seek only "nothingness, nothingness without end" and thus threaten to bring about the downfall of mankind, starting with the European race. Whether you're religious or not, it's irrelevant. If you're in our corner you're fighting for something spiritual - something that's bigger than ourselves and requires our absolute loyalty and devotion to the higher ideals of Truth, justice, and honor.
National Socialism, as a PHILOSOPHY, embodies the eternal urge found in all living things – indeed in all creation – toward a higher level of existence – toward perfection – toward God.
– George Lincoln Rockwell
The moment the plan’s creator attempts to consider so-called “convenience” and “reality” instead of absolute truth, his work will no longer be a star seeking humanity and will become nothing more than an everyday procedure.
It may be that money has become the sole power which governs life today, yet a time will come when men will again bow to higher gods.
– Adolf Hitler
Thus, being a part of the Far-Right is not about claiming that "I believe" but to take the oath that "I Fight." It means demanding from oneself the integrity and strength to make the necessary sacrifices for that which we know in our hearts is good and true in this world. And we do all this because of what "peace" truly means to us. We know we must act on Faith if we are to rise up and fight for that which is virtuous, in the face of the worst sorts of injustices, at the hands of an enemy which intends to ruin our nations by robbing our white children of the means to be happy, prosperous - and ultimately, to exist on the very lands which belong to them by birthright and the will of God.
To refuse to fight is not "peace," it is the acceptance of our own people's downfall, destruction and despair. Peace is the prevailing of Truth. And that can only result from a hard-earned Victory which must be FOUGHT for, just as Jesus did with the Cross, and just as Hitler did with the Swastika.
It is not the half-hearted and neutral who go down in history, but those who take on the fight.
– Adolf Hitler