Saturday 23 December 2017

Is it really important?

I've taken a prolonged break of about a month from everything political online. It changed my perspective on things. I could feel a change of my views coming on even before I decided to take the break. The break turned into a complete abandonment of views I thought were necessary.
I've been a subscriber of Vargs (ThuleanPerspective) on YouTube for years now and taking that break has shown me what is truly important or better put, what isn't important.

It's not nations. It's not ideologies. It's not even the great mass of "whites" or more appropriately, Europeans that matter.

A mindset has infected the European people for centuries now, that is possibly not even of our own doing initially, but has been propagated willingly into further generations. The "enlightenment" ideals. Civilization itself is a part of this dysgenic effect that only serves to further degrade the quality of Europeans.

Most people on the right are fighting for he continuation of this malady named civilization. When what the world needs, and not just Europe, is a total collapse of civilization. It might sound 'larpy' or unhinged or something, but the simple fact is that the comfort afforded to the masses, if left intact, will only work towards bringing that same degeneracy and degradation back into effect as it has time and again throughout history.

Not to mention that the people in control of the system are in control of at least 50% of the worlds wealth. It's irrational to expect political change at this point. If I control that much, why would I allow slave upstarts to 'vote' me out of power?

There can be no creation without destruction.