Tuesday 6 September 2016

Fifth Columnists and Radical Liberals

Diversity is our strength, they say. Liberals, libertarians, Marxists, and fifth columnists. These people try desperately to oppose nature. Preferring to tell us that we are separate from it. That mankind has risen above the trappings and compulsions of nature. This is their agenda. To make us believe their worldview is the moral and just position to hold. The civilized answer to mankind's problems. We all know they are wrong, possibly even they themselves know it...

Nature cannot be ignored, and if it is, it will remind you. Harshly. Of your place and the rules in nature. We are as subject to nature as everything else on this planet. To think otherwise is hubris. 

They tell you to "live for the moment". Don't think about. They say these things because they come from positions of weakness. Positions unnatural and subversive. All positions antithetical to the survival of civilization and race as well as nature.

There can be no denying the in-group mentality of foreign people. A mentality that Europeans once shared. Of course through years of rampant liberalism without concern for consequences, this has all but been eroded in the European man, in favour of tolerance and diversity. Multiculturalism is a weapon. A weapon that is being used against us. They can try to discredit it with names like conspiracy theory all they like, but anyone with a brain can see what is happening. Multiculturalism destroys diversity.

All the people who come to Europe from the Middle East in this migration crisis are not coming to contribute, they are coming to leech. If you've ever spoken to the people online who stay behind, they will tell you themselves, that it is the scum, criminals and terrorists who come to Europe. Looking for an easy life, a life that the Europeans will fund through taxes. A life that destroys Europe and Europeans. Europe is funding it's own destruction. While you work and pay your taxes, they take multiple wives and have countless children.

Nature is being ignored, and nature is punishing the arrogant.