Friday 30 March 2018

Blood is all that matters

 A lot of people all over the internet are still debating politics and philosophy. They still see merit in ferreting out the value in such practices. I'm sure I needn't point out that the lines have already long been drawn in the sand. It's just that the waves seem to have washed over them and blurred those lines to the point where people can't see them as clearly and so other things appear much more boldly and prevalent. It's been seventy years since the war, yet you still have people talking about the JQ. While important, it's not going to be the stick that breaks the camels back. Nobody cares. The masses, don't care. Everyone's sphere of influence and experience is so small in regards to such large and seemingly abstract issues that they may as well not even exist. I can't do anything to affect change in that arena and I'd be so bold as to surmise that you can't either.

People work. People live. People have past times. None of which involves delving deep into tomes of the holiest of holies. Antisemitism. A lot of the nationalist right wing in Europe seems to have planted it's flag in the hill of antisemitism as the means by which to wake the masses. Nothing could be more futile unless designed. Maybe there's something to that...

Personally speaking I think we would be better served coming at this wide range of topics and issues that have beset Europe and it's amalgam of nations through the prism of culture, rather than of politics. It's easier to grow a strong tree in strong soil.

Politics is bread and circuses. I'll keep beating this drum until people start to hear it, or eventually I'll have to kick some heads in to allow some truth to seep in. In all seriousness though, I think people are starting to see it. The politicians are all bought. Every last one. The rulers are the banksters, and their corporate bum buddies. There is no toppling the people on the top of the system, unless you kick the system out from under them. It's their means of control. Civilization. Without it they have no control. That may seem reductionist, but it is the essential truth that I think everyone knows. The reason people keep fighting for "civilization" is because they are afraid of a drop in their comfort level.

It's just about asking ourselves what is truly important. Fighting ideologically, or fighting for the survival of our strain in the human stream of existence? A conscious reduction of our means to below the poverty level while striving for subsistence where and when possible. No object you own is important save for land to support you and yours. People. Family. Kin. Friends. Extended tribe. It's all that mattes. In the span of history, what was remembered? Was it palaces? Castles? Luxurious personal items?

It was people. Always and ever. History only remembers people. Who do we want writing that history?

The only thing that matters is blood, and in the end, victory will come down to blood. We're entering a dark ages 2.0. Only, this updated version will be far bloodier, as we won't be simply fighting genetic kin, but genetic aliens.