Sunday 12 November 2017

Ideological Dogmatism Serves Only The Powers That Be

Left vs right... it's all shite. Who ever wins is simply going to prop up the system that is killing us for a pointless few more years of further abject misery. Let the system die. Live as simple a life as possible. Material goods will not fulfill you.

Nationalism Vs Communism/globalism. Abrahamic religion vs Abrahamic religion... pointless... The inevitability of the obsolescence of the nation state is drawing nearer alongside the obsolescence of economics through total societal collapse. More local, less national.

Ideological thought is dogmatic and restrictive to true and philosophical thought that can actually further humanity or a people. It's time to move past the 19th and 20th century lines of thinking. Humanity hasn't truly moved since the war. Some social changes yes, yet pointless.

'Altright' solutions

"NEIN! We must protect those very untermenschen among "our own" who have been parasites for centuries and brought us in this situation in the first place!
We must sacrifice our rational minds in favor of herdlike zeal without expectations or demands from the individuals in our group!
We must grow overcompensating biceps and pectoralis muscles that make us slow, useless in a fight and are needlessly calorie consuming, because Glorious-MaKedon-aesthetics > Utility.
We must have fasci haircuts, because Paul commands us goyim males to have short hair in the New Testament (to show our slave status to yahweh)

The way to victory is the alt-right, and let me detail the steps.

1: Talk about racial purity alot but always applaud our half-breed-3rd-world, "high IQ" (lol) alt-right "leaders" like McCarthy etc.

2: Go to alot of demos so the system will be able to have all details about you in their database and so that Redox and antifa type doxing sites can slander and expose you.

 3: Laugh condescendingly at preppers or people who take concrete action to be prepared in the (inevitable) event of societal breakdown - instead, suggest to others that they should become active in local democratic politics, and accuse people with food stocks, ammo crates and weapons of being "larpers" (follow Mark Collett, the (((suspiciously big-nosed))), black-eyed ARCH-EUROPEAN! for more advice on this)

4: Snicker when someone says nigger, and relish that feeling of superiority at your massive red-pill wisdom and having done your duty for the day.

5: NEVER swear loyalty to a folk, tribe or family or your own honor. Instead, swear loyalty to abstract ideologies or memes (muh national socialism etc), so you can be like your fellow alt-righters, who rarely know the simplest basics of the history or traditions of their forefathers, but who apparently really care about preserving things they don't bother to investigate in the slightest.

6: Remember to be cool and edgy and lift weights on camera regularly. You must prove that you are stronger than a 14 year old and that you are gloriously competent enough to be able to bend your elbow while holding a metal object in your hand. REMEMBER to compare this to the feats of various viking or spartan kings, so that everyone can see you are the equal of such men.

 Finally, make a youtube account with a happy merchant pic and say stuff like "6 gorillion" "The goyim know" etc on every video that you watch, and pat yourself on the back for your heroic deeds while you wait for the Endsieg!"