Monday 29 August 2016

Accelerationism - Black Pill or Prudent?

I find myself caught between a rock and a hard place, as of late. 

On one hand, I feel like opposing the unending and unstoppable tide of undesirables into Europe is a waste of time and energy. At this point it is inevitable that Europe will become minority white European in the decades to come. Our "leaders" have shown that they have no inclination or desire to go against the grain and halt immigration at all, much less illegal immigration. Not to mention the fact that when someone is decided to be an illegal by the courts and deported, they rarely ever actually get taken from the country. No matter what people opposed to this system do, the tide will continue to come in. No amount of sea walls will stop it. They crash over the top, relentlessly seeking gibs. Maybe the best course of action is to simply allow it to happen. Allow the torrent to engulf Europe and show it the error of its ways?

The ethno-masochists and fifth columnists are not going anywhere and will continue to campaign for their Utopian ideals of open borders and no nations. So why not let them? The Muslims will come in and annihilate all the people who helped them in. They are not utterly stupid. They know these people would campaign against them in time, if they were to gain power, and recognizing this, they would eradicate them. Which would be beneficial for us, since that would be one less job that needs doing upon ascension to power by true Europeans.  

Of course, I am not trying to pass this hypothesis off as the be all and end all to the race problem in Europe. On the contrary, it is probably horribly flawed and would have disastrous consequences. However, in the face of an unstoppable tide, it feels the only path left open to a quick awakening of Europe, instead of a slow boil. A slow boil to the point where it may be too late for the frog to notice it is being cooked alive. At least with a fast, shocking invasion of these people, it would "red pill" far faster than any meme could ever dream, or any article ever dare to hope to accomplish. 

The best cure for a person brainwashed by the Utopian ideals of multiculturalism is to actually experience what real multiculturalism is. We know well, what it is. If not from experience, from the sheer amount of evidence. 

The West is drowning in decadence and degeneracy. These are the symptoms of civilizations on the decline. Irrespective of there being a migrant invasion, the west may have been on the downward spiral long before this situation. It has the same hallmarks of decline as Rome had, on it's way down the crapper. Androgynous citizens, perverted and deviant sexual proclivities, preferential treatment of the foreigner or at least an acquiescence to demands and requests.... the similarities are strikingly.... well, similar.

Making citizens of people vastly different and not at all tied to the future of the nation or the true meaning of it's people and culture. Can a foreign person truly ever be considered as "one of us". You hear from people living in America for generations for example, yet never truly feeling American. Always feeling more connected to their ancestral nations rather than their adoptive ones.

Are these nations, which have veered far off course from what a nation is supposed to be, even worth saving anymore?

On the other hand, I feel compelled to fight against it. Even if fighting is merely making videos and posting wrongthink online. 

It would be an extremely difficult task to fight for open borders as a crypto leftist for furthering your aims of waking more people up, which may ultimately be fruitless and cause more destruction than may have happened otherwise. Nobody ever knows what is going to happen, we just have to do the best we can, in the best way we know, to achieve the best outcome possible.