Friday 19 January 2018

Channel 4's Jordan Peterson Hullabaloo

Channel 4, an English television station had an interview just days ago with a Canadian professor of Psychology, on their news program, who gained notoriety years ago from making what the politically correct crowd considered controversial videos on YouTube in the format of recording his lectures and debates he has had in public with people ideologically or at least topically opposed to him.

You can watch the video for yourself, but it was what one might expect from a left leaning, that is to say, mainstream, television station conducting an interview with someone they'd disagree with on issues of the gender pay gap, campus protests and postmodernism. The interviewer is Cathy Newman. She used the typical tactics of trying to put words in his mouth and cutting him off before fully elucidating his points. There is nothing new or groundbreaking in this video suggested by Peterson, especially to no one who is right of center, or at least intellectually honest enough to amend held beliefs based on factual evidence presented to them.

The station, and Newman in particular have copped a lot of heat for her debating tactics, as one might expect, though none of it shocking, it's par for the course with the media these days. Channel 4 has said that as a result of the sheer amount of abuse and threats she has received that they have had to call in security experts. Evidence of these threats and abuse remains to be seen, among the well reasoned critiques as well as the admittedly harsh retorts to the debate and how Newman conducted herself.

They claim that the debate resulted in a torrent of abuse and threats, yet when people, as well as myself, have checked on YouTube, there is little to no commenting that could be construed as threats or abuse, certainly there is harsh critiques, but nothing that should make someone fear for their safety. Of course, the messages could be sent to Newman privately, but without them showing evidence of such there can be no certainty.

Personally I think they are just doing what a mainstream television station is wont to do when one of their talking heads is resoundingly made to look a fool as a result of their own actions of trying to wrangle someone who is practiced and more intelligent, into positions they neither hold nor entertain through their own ideological lens of the world.

Is this an important story? Maybe not. It is trending though, and the consensus tends to be on the side of Peterson. Showing that at least people are jaded of the politically correct social justice causes endlessly paraded in peoples faces day in and day out on television and on other mediums.