Wednesday 13 December 2017

Be wary of Political Parties

"Some of my friends joined a newly founded civic nationalist party last year here in Denmark, (a vehemently anti-islam one) in the hopes of finding like-minded people to resist the replacement. After they brought up the topic of zionist infiltration of our state-sponsored media etc here, at a low-key party closed gathering, they were purged from the party immediately. (The top CEO of Danmarks Radio, the main news outlet in the country, is the former President of Danish Zionist Association)

A few days later their full names and info were leaked on various antifa and commie sites, with the mandatory face-pic, lies and slander.

This info had been given to the commies by a guy who had been at the table, who we later discovered was a (((merchant))). As far as we know it was only 1 guy, but even that was enough.

That was approx 6 month ago. Now the aforementioned party is doing TV ads about how we should support Israel 100% and how the (((merchants))) here are the biggest victims of the 3rd world invasion.

 I want you all to be aware of this before you consider joining a similar political party out of desperation."