Friday 15 December 2017

Ancient Europeans were rapists?

"Varg, I would like to hear your theory on why rape is such a broad stereotype for our ancestors. Is this an attempt by invaders to strip the natives of their honor by demonizing them with the reputation for raping?"

"Yes. There was e. g. not one single contemporary source claiming the Vikings raped anybody. This is something Christians made up 100+ years later."

"Ibn Fadlan has several accounts of rape by the Volga vikings in the journal of his travels."

"Ibn Fadlan talks about "Vikings" who are as tall as trees ... it's nonsense from A to Z."

"Several rapes took place in monasteries, including of children. You have to remember these people were responsible for registering births and burying the dead. It's a well known fact that monks butt-raped each other, and did other sorts of abuses and sacrifices... Monasteries had to be fortified, or else the people there would end like several 6th century frankish "saints", who were "martyred" by local "bandits"..."

"+ThuleanPerspective ... you mean they didn't spit in cups and communally washed their faces in bowls of eachothers drool either? Or that they didn't have tattoos from head to toe, or that they didn't gangbang slave women before slitting their throats and sacrificing them in honor of their chieftain? Who would have thought Ibn Fadlan could be so disingenuous, given how honest and upstanding the muslims usually are, what with Taqiyya and all..."

 "+Danneskjold Ha ha. And notice how reliable that Muslim Arab suddenly becomes in the eyes of Christians, because he talks nonsense about Pagans... anything else coming from his mouth though... they will not trust!"

"+ThuleanPerspective Well, given how much cognitive dissonance they can have in regards to their 'own' religion, why not extend that to everything else! I don't even understand why the christians and muslims aren't allies yet anyway, since they are almost identical in their moral-nihilism, and their desire to watch the world burn."

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