Tuesday 28 November 2017

A comment from YouTube that encapsulates Antifa

"On paper Antifa sounds fine. I mean, who doesn’t hate nazis and want to fight for the oppressed victims of the system!? I bought into it during my university years. It’s a romantic, seductive idea. Emboldened by babby’s first read of das kapital, with a communist flag hanging in the dorm room, listening to che guevara speeches, calling each other comrade. The irony is, is that Antifa are privileged middleclass youth who have bought into the mass hysteria of the MSM, while regurgitating marxist propaganda they’re forcefed at college. There’s nothing unique, couragous or groundbreaking in this at all. It’s tribal radicalisation completely intolerant and hostile to other views. Hypocrites who advocate for the censorship and violence towards these enemies/nazis (which actually means everyone rightwing.) There’s nothing progressive or positive here. There are a multitude of better and practical ways these people could do to make meaningful change (if they truely cared about people). But it's fun to dress up with your tribe, destroy stuff and be violent. It’s a facade of virtue and justice drenched in the romantic ideals of the revolutionary marxist. The edgy, ‘fringe’ radical who ‘get’s it’, and will stand up to the evils of the white capitalist, while enjoying all the fruits of western civilisation, tradition, and wealth that capitalism created."

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