Wednesday 30 August 2017

Culture of Cowardice

We live in an age now, when it is more beneficial to be a coward and keep the head down, as opposed to peering over the parapet to take a look at the oncoming danger. It is a fact that has gripped most avenues of life today, from simple advertisers and business, all the way up to politics and the so called corridors of power.

It is utterly revolting. Is it any wonder that the youths interest in politics was at such a low level for such a prolonged period of time? There is no greatness anymore. No politician that is genuine in his goals will step forward and put his head above the parapet. Whenever they do, they immediately apologize afterwards and label the whole incident a terrible mistake on their part that should never have even been uttered. Thus, admitting that it was wrong to even think such a thought in the first place.
In the past, men boldly claimed their views and ran whole campaigns on such views, many to success. Achieved only by taking that initial and subsequent risks. To their livelihoods, to their relationships, familial and spousal. For many of the truest believers there was nothing more horrible to them as giving in to their opponents and cowing themselves in return for safety and stability. They pressed on, paying costs beyond what any today may have to endure and achieved their aims, one way or the other.

Maybe it's romanticism on my part, but I don't think so. People in the past were either made of sterner stuff, or we have simply been so domesticated that nothing other than safety and stability is our priority. I'm not going to sit here and pretend I am any better than anyone else either. I've never had to be tested on my views yet from outside the cyber space. Who knows, maybe I'd be one of the first to bow and buckle under the pressure of intense opposition. It's hard to know until you are actually faced with such a situation.

Another point people would bring up is "Why don't you stand up and lead? What is stopping anyone from standing and leading?" Well, in truth, nothing is. The old adage though of too many chiefs and not enough Indians is what I would point to in defense, maybe it's a poor defense when the movement or the cause of being pro-white or even just nationalist seems so beset by false leaders and charlatans that people are in desperate need of a genuine leader with pure intent. There is so many variables here though that it would take an essay to capture all the different nuances and issues that plague us today in that regard.

I just wanted to highlight this Culture of Cowardice, or put a name to something people have already known intuitively for so long, after someone showed me a message between a national party TD (member of parliament) of my nation in relation to Islam.

A picture paints a thousand words. It shows the ruling elites know, just as much as anyone else, the dangers of the changes that are occurring in Western Europe. They are simply too cowed to say or do anything about it, and so, we live in a Culture of Cowardice.

Unless our representatives in government start to take reality as it is and stop dressing it up for the easily offended, then maybe the end of our way of life as we know it is closer than we think?

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