Wednesday 31 January 2018

Chaos is a regenerative force, Civilization is degenerative.

To my mind, nature is chaos. It doesn't plant in straight lines, life is simply survival in the animal kingdom. Not being eaten. Constant change. Chaos. Chaos is not inherently bad. Chaos is bad if you fear chaos and how you perceive chaos. It's all about perspective. Chaos is a regenerative force in my opinion, while civilization is degenerative. Chaos is the only thing that keeps a being, an object, a collective, in constant upward motion. Evolution.

I used to be a staunch National Socialist. Then I took a break from the internet and found a lot of what I thought was important simply wasn't. To me, civilization itself is the chaos (the thing I perceive as bad). Nature is order. Nature is immutable, irrefutable, infinite and invincible. Civilization is not. Civilization is bound to fail. It has been shown to collapse numerous times around the globe throughout history. It's delicate, it's vulnerable, it's finite. For the number of people wanting to control it who share your worldview, there are an equal number of those who share the opposite worldview. Endlessly tugging and pulling in the direction they want it to go until cracks appear along the seams which grow into fissures, which grow into deep, dark holes, until it is torn asunder. Civilization is maybe thousands of years old. Nature is billions of years old.... Billions.

 Just because we are living at the most advanced time humans have lived in does not exclude us from the reality of civilization being a finite and vulnerable 'social construct'.